Park Pictures

Ad of the Day: Elena Delle Donne Opens Up About Her Sister in Remarkable Gatorade Film (Dir. Lance Acord)

2016 September 27
Gatorade's "Win from Within" message has already yielded some fantastic marketing about where athletes like Serena Williams and Usain Bolt find their inspiration. Now, the sports drink is back to focus on WNBA star Elena Delle Donne, and her sister Lizzie. A new two-minute ad from TBWAChiatDay beautifully tells the story of why the Chicago Sky forward, and league MVP for 2015, dropped out of a U-Conn scholarship earlier in her career so she could continue to spend time with her sibling, who has cerebral palsy, and cannot see or hear. "Everyone thinks I came home to help her, but she was the one helping me, getting me out of the worst rut of my life" says Delle Donne. "She gives me perspective." It's a powerful sentiment, stunningly captured, as the athlete reflects on the sheer joy her sister gets from something as simple as the feeling from a gust of wind. Read the rest of the article here.